
Fat Magic RPG - 5e Campaign Setting

Created by Fat Magic RPG

A fantasy adventure about food, community, and spaghetti wizards for 5th edition.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Home Stretch
20 days ago – Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 07:25:36 AM

Hey there grease goblins,

This is just a quick update to let you know that we are almost ready to start shipping. We are taking delivery of the dice towers on July 10. As long as they arrive intact, we can start packing up your loot and shipping it off to you ASAP. 

FINAL REMINDER: If you have any final address changes, now is the time to make them. Send your name and full address to [email protected]. I will be going through all of these and making final address changes by hand later this week. (Note: If you have already changed your address in backerkit or already emailed your address change, there is no need to do this.)


Buried Under Boxes (SC)


3 months ago – Mon, May 06, 2024 at 09:46:53 AM

Hey there slow-cooked goblins,

I’ve been waiting a long time to post this update. 

The books are here. 

I have the books. 

The books have taken the living room. 

By this time next week, the entire eastern seaboard will be books.

We’re almost there, folks. We’re awaiting delivery on the DM screens and dice towers, both of which should be delivered by the end of this month/start of next. After that, we’ll begin the process of shipping your loot.

Address change

Several backers have mentioned they are having trouble contacting backerkit support to change their address. To make sure everyone gets their books, I have set up a dedicated email for address changes. If you can’t contact backerkit support, send your name and new address to FMaddresschange [at] and I will add it to the master list. 




Dice tower prototype + DM screen content
4 months ago – Sun, Apr 07, 2024 at 01:25:10 PM

Hey there milkshake goblins,

I’ve got a couple of quick production updates as we polish off the last few things on our to do list. 

Note: If you’ve changed your address since backing, email backerkit support with your new address and they will send it to us. All adresses will be ammended and doublechecked before shipping. We cannot take addresses through comments or DMs. 

After going through several dice tower prototypes and producers, we’ve settled on this bad boy, which looks great, feels solid, and delivers a satisfying dice rattle. Click here to see it in action.

In DM Screen news, the DM side of the screen has been finalized and designed by a talented graphic designer, who has been helping us get Fat Magic over the finish line. 

Zack Marsh does graphic design for board games and TTRPGs and You can expect to see a lot more from him in the future. Click here to check out his work and commission him to help make your game.

Check out the new content for the DM screen, including food equipment tables, regional flora & fauna, NPC name generator, and list of story hooks and distractions for you little chaos goblins.

That’s all for this month folks. We’re awaiting the prototype of the screen, after which we will take delivery of the tower and screen and begin shipping. 




Gone to Print + Final PDF
5 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 07:10:54 AM

Hi there, stunt food goblins!

This is a super short update to announce that the book has officially gone to the printers and your final PDF is ready to download!

Download Fat Magic PDF.

Check out those sweet Map Crow maps! I’m so glad we were able to get Kyle and Amber to make those for us. They put some much needed shape on a weird and wobbly world and are better than I could have imagined.

I’ll be in touch soon with the last of the production updates and then we move on to shipping logistics.

Note: Locked addresses can be changed by messaging backerkit support. All addresses will eventually be changed by hand by me, but we need to go through backerkit to make sure everyone’s correct address is on file.


Mapcrow Maps, Sweet Loot, & Rad Vibes
6 months ago – Sun, Feb 04, 2024 at 03:02:36 PM

Hey there deep-fried goblins, 

I’ve got a sizable update this month, with some shiny map updates and a sackful of physical loot to show off. 

First up are two maps, drawn by the incredible Kyle Latino of Mapcrow and inked by our very own Amber Seger (is there anything they can’t do?).

Bouillabaisse Region Map
Caketown City Map

Back in the real world, we’ve started taking delivery of the physical products and my living room is slowly being buried box by box. 

Rad Vibes t-shirt designed by Kinley Raftery
Fat Magic drink holder designed by Amber Seger
Critic’s Alliance membership pin designed by Amber Seger 
Fat Magic dice bag designed by Amber Seger 

That’s it for this update, boil-in-the-bag goblins! I’ll be in touch soonwith news on the final pieces of the puzzle. 

