
Fat Magic RPG - 5e Campaign Setting

Created by Fat Magic RPG

A fantasy adventure about food, community, and spaghetti wizards for 5th edition.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Backer OCs & Subclass
12 months ago – Sun, Aug 06, 2023 at 07:29:15 PM

Howdy hotdoggers!

I’ve got a few juicy updates this month as we’re plowing through the production process and some brand new art, hot off the artist.

As a quick production update, the book is completed, in design, and should be ready for proofing any day now. Once the PDF is finalized we’ll be emailing you your digital copies of Fat Magic.

The last two pieces of art, both illustrated by Carlos Sánchez Polo (@CSPstuff), have been submitted and are looking *chef’s kiss*. The first of these images is the FINAL group OC image, complete with a six-pack of mischievous wieners.

Ol Sport (patrick), Xalaria (Kyle), Hellthy (Matthew), Spaghetti Saucerer (Gary), Purple Gentleman (Scott), Chef (Katie)

The last piece of art in the book will be paired with the last of the kickstarted subclasses.

The Saucerer

The gods have been known to visit the earthly realms and sup from the pleasure of mortality from time to time. Chief among those pleasures is a vigorous activity that has the unintended side effect of creating entirely new creatures. This has resulted in several celestial lineages, the descendents of which are often blessed with innate culinary abilities and appearances. These are the Saucerers.

Until now, we’ve released the subclasses as standalone material to take the edge off the wait. But with the PDF release of Fat Magic imminent, I’m going to hold off and save this one for the book!

If everything goes to plan, I should be in touch very soon with a link for your book!



P.S. A small few backers have yet to complete their backerkit survey and pay for their delivery. Please doublecheck your backerkit order to make sure you get your book.  

The Founder Revealed
about 1 year ago – Sun, Jul 02, 2023 at 03:17:41 PM

Hey there hotdog wranglers,

The end of production is fast approaching. The adventure is edited, the monsters are cozied up in the monster menu, and there’s one piece of art left to get in.

I’m meeting with our graphic designer Amber next week to discuss our design schedule and hammer down some dates. After that, everything goes to our production manager Kristina, who will make all our cool stuff into real things and send them to you.

To celebrate the approach of THE END, here’s a look at the BBEG of Fat Magic. This piece was drawn by Carlos (, whose nasty little horror roots really show here.

A large amorphous creature with a grinning mouth enters a tear in reality above the desert. Two gigant figures hold the tear in reality open.
The Founder of the Franchise enters our reality above the Soppressata Desert.



about 1 year ago – Sun, Jun 04, 2023 at 12:47:32 PM

Hey folks!

I have been waiting so long to write THIS update.

I wish it was a heck of a lot earlier, but you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and kobolds.

After working on this story for two years, and struggling with the worst chronic illness a writer trying to fulfill a Kickstarter could get, Act IV and the FINALE of Fat Magic are in the bag.

I finished writing the main adventure on May 5th, just a few days after the previous update, but I decided to save all the juicy deets for this update.

Since then, I have been reviewing and fine-tuning each act, a process that I finished about…10 minutes ago? Meanwhile, my incredible editors have been hot on my tail, editing all of Act II and III in a single month.

Act IV will be edited this week, after which we will be all be working together to assemble the disparate elements of the book - subclasses, magic items, monsters, and art - so we can pass everything off to our design goblin, Amber.

The team has been singularly focused on getting the adventure completed, so there’s not much in the way of additional updates this month. I took a trip to Texas where I spent my whole time eating and working on Fat Magic the book. That’s about it.

I’ll have a bunch of new art next month and some serious book updates. Stay tuned, spice goblins.



about 1 year ago – Sun, May 07, 2023 at 12:21:13 PM

Hey donut goblins,

Before we get to the usual stuff, I’ve got a BIG REMINDER for y’all. Backerkit orders will be locked on May 8 and we will charge cards on May 9. If you need to change your order or update your card, now's the last chance.

Progress update

I am BLASTING through the final act of Fat Magic. The page count for ACT IV currently sits around 43 pages and I’m expecting the entire thing to be about 70-75 pages. At this clip, the Final Act will be done and dusted before the next update.

Once that’s taken care of, we can move on to editing and layout. To help speed up this process, we’ve brought on an additional editor. El Haney made games for Hunt a Killer for four years before leaving to make their own stuff. They were also one of the original playtesters of fat magic, so they know this game inside out.

Art Update

This month, I’ve got some new art from Carlos (@CSPstuff) featuring one of the Leftonburner Boiler Plates and his partner, the gourdsman Jack. The Boiler Plates are the force guarding the enormous city of Lefton Burner, who recently received a gift of 50 autonomous pumpkin guards from the Critical Alliance.

A pumkin guard at attention and a lazy goblin guard smoking a cigarette
They’re best friends.

That’s it for this month, folks! Gunna keep these short and sweet and focus on writing until we hand off to design.



Order Locks and Refreshed Art
over 1 year ago – Sun, Apr 02, 2023 at 12:09:18 PM

Hey folks,

We got a bunch of hot and tasty updates this month, including writing updates, new art, and important information about locking your backer kit orders.

Lock It Down

With writing production approaching completion, we plan to lock Backerkit orders on May 8 and charge cards on May 9. This is a reminder to log in to your Backerkit to double-check your info and ensure it's all up to date. Next month’s update will hit your inboxes with a last-minute reminder a few days before the lockdown date.

ACT IV Progress

Despite an ass-knocking encounter with COVID, writing has continued to pick up the pace, and ACT IV is growing larger and more ridiculous every day. Lefton Burner is an enormous city with countless places for your players to hang their hats, but here’s a small selection of possible headquarters to whet your appetite.

The Wolf Den. A three-story tavern in the Mariner’s lunch decorated top to bottom with wolf paraphernalia, sigils, murals, paintings, and a big yellow moon hanging over the front door. Rumor has it the bar owner was offering room and board in exchange for work, though Fingerfood heard that the positions were filled a few weeks ago.

Gertrude Muttonpaw is a former gruyere wolf once bound to the baron of Caketown. She came to Lefton Burner when the Baron disappeared and started The Wolf Den with money she made selling heirlooms pilfered from the Volauvent estate. A few weeks ago, The Old Friend turned up on her doorstep, and she provided them with a job and a place to rest over the tavern.

[Editor’s Note: The Old Friend is a hometown friend that will be custom created by your players at the table. They will appear at multiple points throughout the adventure.]

Muttonpaw believes that the end of the curse is merely the end of a gruyere wolf’s obligation to the Volauvents and that it’s possible to reconnect with the gruyere wolf inside through introspection and meditation. The Old Friend can provide a place to crash for a night or two, but if they want to stay any longer, they must pull their weight around The Wolf Den.

Resurrection. An underground goth club in the Sweetmeat with a secret entrance behind the hot dog carousel in the Huckleberry Sardines convenience store on Gumdrop Road and Filth Street. Rumor has it the club is run by “dead types.”

Resurrection is run by an organization of vampires, who have sworn off non-consensual blood drinking, known as The Society. The perks of joining The Society include ethically sourced bottled blood, a community with strong familial bonds, and not being turned into a pile of dust the second you enter the city.

The Mermaid's Better-Looking Sister. A high-concept seafood restaurant experience with magic light shows and tanks of sparkling water filled with clockwork fish. Rumor has it the owner is a reckless spender and will be out of business in a matter of weeks.

Trans triton Mia Saltfish runs the Mermaid’s Better-Looking Sister with the care and abandon of a person seemingly incapable of conceptualizing fear. Or Taxes. Mia built her tavern in the Salmon Ladder using a chest of gold she swiped from her ex-wife, the dread pirate fire genasi known as The Flaming Bones of Regret. Mia will exchange room and board for anyone willing to help her keep her tavern from going out of business.

The Slotted Spoon. A rundown tavern set in a rickety shack in the Marrows. Rumor has it the owner has come down with a strange condition that makes it difficult for him to open his business.

Grouchy halfling Durum Coldoven has been having trouble running his bar since his ex-wife Monica turned him into a loaf of bread. Several mice will attempt to make off with Durum when the party enters the tavern. Durum doesn’t like company but he has an empty room in the back of the tavern for anyone who helps him get his life back on track. His ex-wife would like an apology for neglecting their relationship for the bar.

Bottom of the Ninth. A sports bar in the Sweetmeat owned by a retired cheeseball player. Rumor has it the bar owes a serious amount of money to the Toffee Knockers street gang.

Sam Rennet was a promising young cheeseball batter who destroyed his career with alcohol and violence. Now ten years sober, Sam runs a bar splattered with cheeseball paraphernalia from his glory days. He borrowed money from the Toffee Knockers to start his bar but has been unable to keep up with payments. Now they are threatening to take his bar away and lock him in a whiskey barrel filled to the brim with caramel.

Act I Art Refresh

Those of you who read the Act I PDF have seen the gorgeous placeholder art drawn in pencil by our editor Hannah. We’ve since had that art redrawn by the amazing Kinley (@Kinley_R_Art) to bring it closer to the style in the rest of the book. Feast your peepers on this eye candy.

A sleeping baby hotdog creature named Fankie.
Frankie grows into a full weenie goblin, capable of wielding a sword and shield.
A sprig of lavendar, a corncob pipe, and a foamy beer.
Nothing but vibes.
A green jello salad monster wearing a red baby jello salad monster as a hat.
The baby is its hat.

A brightly colored pasta themed juke box.
Pasta-sheet record player. All killer, no filler.
Two salt licorice crows eating gummy worms.
Salt licorice crows and gummy worms.

That’s it for this month! I’ll be back at the beginning of May with more updates and to remind you about the order lock.



Links to All Released Content


Pact of the Celebrity Chef Warlock:

Truffle Hunter Ranger: 

Path of the Cold Brute Barbarian:

Oath of the BBQ Paladin:

Domain of the Golden Hive Cleric:

Circle of the Domestic Root Druid:

Order of the Salted Pot Wizard:

Path of the Fermented Grain Monk:

Player Ancestries


Magic Items

A Regular Chef’s Hat:

Sugar Coat:

Rind of the Spiced Vangourd:


Beyond Bunderdome:

Get Jjigae With It:

Night of the Living Bread:

Trouble Brewing:

Hamburger Heist:

For Whom the Bean Tolls:


Bonnie Scotch and the Celery Stalkers:


Act One - The Porkening: