
Fat Magic RPG - 5e Campaign Setting

Created by Fat Magic RPG

A fantasy adventure about food, community, and spaghetti wizards for 5th edition.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

7 months ago – Sun, Jan 07, 2024 at 04:18:56 PM

Hi there PDF goblins!

After a holiday season stuffed with too much travel, sick dogs, minor family crises, and multiple cases of covid, the day is finally here: The Fat Magic PDF (beta) is ready! 

Download Fat Magic PDF (beta)

The eagle eyed among you will have spotted that little (beta) tag, so what does that mean? This beta PDF contains everything the final version of Fat Magic does (almost). 

This version is missing 4 maps illustrated by Kyle Latino and Amber Seger.  Kyle and Amber are busy fulfilling their highly succesful Monsterous Kickstarter and weren't able to get the maps in on time, but I didn't want you to have to wait any longer.

In addition to that, the credits page will need to be updated and the player options section needs another round of proofing before the final version of the book is sent to the printer. 

Download Fat Magic PDF (beta)

This PDF has EVERYTHING you need to start your FAT MAGIC campaign, and I'll update shortly with the final version of the PDF, just before we go to print. After which we'll start fulfilling your physical copies!

As always, thank you for your continued patience and support. Y'all have been amazing. 



P.S. Shout out to our graphic designer Amber and our proofers Rebecca & Morgan who worked their asses off this holiday to get this to you. 

Countdown to PDF
8 months ago – Sun, Dec 03, 2023 at 01:22:03 PM

Hey there Non-Denominational Winter Celebration Goblins!

I’ve got a super teeny micro update for you. The PDF is designed and almost ready to go! We just need to proof the final copy and then we’ll send you your Fat Magic PDF.

Keep an eye on your mailboxes. We’re working our butts off to get you your delicious PDF before the coming holiday.

I’ll be in touch soon!


In the Charcuterie
9 months ago – Sun, Nov 05, 2023 at 04:49:08 PM

Hey there candy goblins,

The forces of gingerbread and peppermint have overthrown the seasonal coffee menu, which means it must be time for another Fat Magic update. 

The book layout is progressing steadily but sickness and day job shenanigans have set our schedule back a few weeks. Our designer says the book should be done in the next 2-3 weeks, after which we'll be proofing and sending the PDF your way — just in time for the holiday season!

Until then, here are the latest pages hot off the presses/graphic designers tablet thingy.

All the best,


Spooky Update!
10 months ago – Sun, Oct 01, 2023 at 04:11:19 PM

Hey there, pumpkin spiced goblins!

Just a quick update as we head into Spooky Season. Work is progressing nicely on the layout of the book and should be wrapping up sooner rather than later. Until then, I’ve got some spooky pages, courtesy of our amazing designer Amber Seger.

That’s all from me for this update! I’ll be in touch soon with PDF and production updates.


Pages & Swag
11 months ago – Sun, Sep 03, 2023 at 04:13:07 PM

Hey there solidarity goblins!

I’ve got some tasty production updates Labor Day weekend, but first I’ve got some exciting news from our friends at Cloud Curio. I’ve been a huge fan of this project since it started popping up on the Map Crow YouTube channel a few months back.   

MONSTROUS is the Game Manager's go-to tool for telling better stories through monsters. As an "oops, only flavor" book, there are no stat blocks. We love the classic high-fantasy monsters as much as the next gamer. But we miss the feelings of fear and awe we felt when first encountering these menacing bad guys. After years of gaming, they can feel stale or predictable. So we are stripping them down to their essences and refreshing them with details and qualities that will surprise and delight players.”

You can download the preview packet for free!

The Kickstarter goes live Tuesday 9/5/2023 at 9 am est.

Fat Magic 2.0

This month, our amazing graphic designer Amber Seger has been designing the new layout for Fat Magic. A lot has changed since the original free PDF and Amber has rebuilt everything from the ground up. Check out the face lift on the opening pages Fat Magic 2.0.

Dicebags & Koozies, Oh My!

With the book almost done and dusted, the physical goodies have entered production. Some are sitting in my living room as we speak, waiting to be boxed up and sent to your homes.

That's it for this update folks! I'll be in touch soon with big updates on the PDF and printing.

